Reinforced turf is the combination of plastic or concrete grids which incorporate either stone or topsoil in order to provide soil stabilization, natural water filtration, and drainage. Reinforced surfaces can be used in a variety of applications from pedestrian walkways and athletic fields to emergency access fire lanes and “turf paving”.
Reinforced turfs are designed to meet your site specific requirements utilizing the stabilization and reinforcement of base, root zone mix, and turf while offering an improved drainable soil profile. Fire Access Lane Applications are designed to support heavy wheel loads in high traffic areas and wet conditions by offering significant increases in load bearing capabilities and shear strength of soil.
Reinforced Turf System’s all weather natural turf surfaces have extended the use and playability of athletic fields, equestrian tracks, parks and recreational areas, great lawns, rooftop gardens, overflow parking, and staging areas with standard maintenance procedures for a more durable healthy turf.
Reinforced Turf Systems reinforces the entire soil mass offering a reinforced root zone for the selected natural turf application of seeding, sprigging, or sod. Geofibers, Turfgrids and Sportgrids will increase the soils’ shear strength, friction angle, and load bearing capabilities within the specified soil profile while maintaining the water infiltration rate.Increasing shear resistance and load bearing capabilities, minimizing compaction, and improving the drainage of the soil profile provides an all weather natural turf surface that performs as designed for events ranging from marching bands to horse racing. G & J Site Solutions looks forward to helping you pick out the right reinforced surface.
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